Book a meeting with me...

I am looking forward to connecting with you! Please see the available days and times that work best.

Inquiries for Kangen Water / Working with me!

I'm excited you are open-minded to learning more about not only what WATER can do, more so what YOU CAN DO! The best time is now, and I look forward to connecting with you!

WakeWater COB 15 Min Training

1 on 1 Coaching call or Group call to help expand YOU and YOUR Business! For Downstream only.

Schedule 3 WAY CALL (WWC)

Please make sure prospect has seen a live webinar, and/or Kangen Demo prior to the call. Let me know if they have tried the water, seen demo, current questions, and interested 1-10 in the water and/or opportunity. Also if finances have been brought up or if they are in a place to buy a machine

Crucial Conversation w/ COB

Crucial conversation with cob to close out your year strong and set your goals for 2024 starting with preparing yourself for the 90 Day Reign.

This time slot is only for current COB team members



Schedule here for all things podcast, interviews, IG lives, or a live public speaking event.

Business Social Media Training

Basic questions, strategies, marketing, content, messaging, and prospecting in regards to utilizing your social media to your following and how to use it to grow your business.



with COB

1 on 1 Coaching call to help expand YOU and help you COME OUT BETTER.

Choose a topic to discuss with me intimately on a call.
